Research Interests

My current research focuses on three main streams: business analytics in emerging online platforms such as platforms for professional services and paid Q&A, applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and statistical methodology. As of the fall semester of my fifth year (Fall 2019), I have generated five completed papers. My first paper is a causal inference study on knowledge contribution in StackOverflow, published at ACM Transaction in MIS. My second paper (Essay 1 in my dissertation) studies a novel form of eWOM, under revision for the second-round review at Information Systems Research. In my third year, I started two projects—one is about the impact of complications insurance on the demand of cosmetic surgeries (Essay 2 in my dissertation), and the other one is about statistical methods and applications, in which we create a new dimension-reduction method accounting for the time dimension under social media context. The paper about insurance is under review at Information Systems Research and the statistical paper is under review at MIS Quarterly. Another of my papers studies the relationship between CEO stock ownership and at-IPO discretionary earnings management, which is reject and resubmit at Organization Science. Currently I also have several work-in-progress papers.

One of my advantages is that I have experience in both IS-behavior and IS-econ studies. My master’s thesis is a typical behavioral study using expectation-confirmation model to study online users’ continuous participant with structural equation model. My PhD career mainly focuses on IS-econ, but I am still interested in behavioral and psychological study and the third essay in my dissertation is a behavioral paper.


Papers under Review

Work in Progress



Jan Stallaert

  • Professor of Operations and Information Management
  • School of Business, University of Connecticut



Xinxin Li

  • Associate Professor of Operations and Information Management
  • School of Business, University of Connecticut



Jing Peng

  • Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Management
  • School of Business, University of Connecticut